The gay men in Costa Rica, San José and La Fortuna particularly; seem fine to engage in SEX without the use of a condom. (I say La Fortuna and San Jose because that is where most of MY 'gay' has been experienced). This post is not about SEXUAL morality, because with all due respect,I don't care what you think, I'm just making some observations about condom use as it relates to gay men in Costa Rica.
For the Record, my view is this: SEX between 2 or more consenting adults - CASE CLOSED - after all, they're consenting adults and it's NONE of my or anybody else's business. If you care, that's YOUR problem.
Anyway, these are merely MY observations based on my experiences; hardly scientific to say the least. I don't want to spread inaccuracies about gay men in Costa Rica, but something is amiss, because I’ve had enough sexual encounters with gay Costa Ricans in the last 7 years to draw some conclusions in regards to their sexual ‘irresponsibility'. Just so we're clear, I'm not talking about prostitution, although I would bet the gay prostitutes and trannies here are MORE apt to use a condom. But I digress.
The gay men were between the ages of 18-34. ALL would be considered educated in direct correlation with their age. Most were ‘BOTTOMS,’ and yes, I think that's important. Most were ‘closeted,’ also important. Many would be considered a ‘hook-up,’ while others were more like ‘friends with benefits.’ They all knew I had a boyfriend.
Sex is defined as PENETRATION. The FACT of the matter is, NOT ONE TICO DEMANDED the use of a condom when it came right down to it (remember, most were BOTTOMS). Don’t get me wrong, many times condom use would be discussed but for whatever reason would become a formality and quickly dismissed. Ultimately, THEY DIDN’T CARE, or at least, care seemed to fly out the window the moment we were butt-ass naked and turning back didn’t seem to be an option. Not one of them actually knew I put one on and if they were ‘TOPPING’, of course it was DEMANDED, but again, they wouldn't have 'wrapped up' unless I told them to. *I know you want to hear numbers, SORRY, let’s just my experiences were enough to form some ‘scary’ conclusions.
Afterwards, I would ask them why they didn't demand I wear a condom but I think you could guess as to the ‘whys’ - the excuses seem somewhat UNIVERSAL whether you're in the States or here in Costa Rica: Impaired judgment from alcohol/drugs. Blind Hope/Trust/Faith in 'me' the partner. Caught-up in the moment. Then of course there's always the one about I wanted to 'feel' it in me... whatever. *None were ignorant to the fact a condom should be used. I could go on and on about what someone may or may not have been thinking, but the bottom line is- the SEX would have happened regardless of a condom.
FYI- currently there are approximately 13,000 people living in Costa Rica with HIV/AIDS and don't even get me started on the STD's running rampant here.
And this is the REASON for the post- Visiting 'GAY' Costa Rica? Want to sample the local flavor? Want to be the kid in the candy store? Sweet, no problem...... but WRAP THAT SHIT UP... because odds are, the Ticos won't... or haven't.. and it's much better returning to the States with fond gay memories of the cute little Tico boy at the beach than a yellowish discharge escaping from your penis.
Know what I mean?
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