Saturday, September 29, 2012

Gay Prostitution in Costa Rica

Prostitution is LEGAL in Costa Rica, so many come here solely for the SEX... nothing wrong with that as not everyone's into sloths and whitewater rafting. Age of consent for any SEX is 18. Don't be mislead or misinformed by some of the 'sketchier' websites out there, BELIEVE ME, it's 18.

GAY sex is readily accessible in Costa Rica and I've already mentioned in previous posts how 'easy' the guys are here. Even MOST of the straight Tico's are willing to be 'gay for pay' after a couple beers and in many cases the 'pay' can be the alcohol and sometimes they're even 'gay' without the 'pay'- WHOO HOO!

First, the downside of prostitution. Be AWARE, just because it's LEGAL, you can still encounter the same problems you'd expect to find on the 'illegal' or seedier side of prostitution, such as drug use, crime, petty theft, STD's, AIDS and underage prostitutes. Know your surroundings and just because a kid tells you he's 18 doesn't necessarily make it so. You are NOT innocent until proven guilty in Costa Rica so don't let your vacation turn into an unintended, EXTENDED one. Ask to see some proof.... really.

Looking for gay sex? Personally, I'd stay away from the streets boys. Craigslist and other social networking sites are low risk with many options. There's bath houses, such as Club Hispalis, which is probably one the BEST and BIGGEST in San Jose. Club Hispalis has great facilities, theme nights, shows and a bar and snack area. Of course any of the gay bars in San Jose, Bochinches, Club Oh, La Avispa and especially Pucho's are all hook-up possibilities . And MOST gay and/or gay friendly hotels offer 'massages' from boys that offer BETTER than 'Happy Endings'. Also, most of these hotels can get YOU in touch with someone to 'show you around' or take you OUT Clubbin if you're traveling solo, obviously for a PRICE.

A popular GAY magazine here is Gente10, a good resource for GAY info. Gente10 is in Spanish, but you can get the jest of EVENTS, times and so forth, and they also have a map with all the gay HOT spots marked.

A few CRUISY areas in San Jose are La Sabana Park (Sabana gets sketchy at night), the National Park (north of Avenida 1, Between Calles 15 &19) and the Plaza de la Cultura which is in front of the National Theatre (between Calles 3 & 5) during late afternoons and early evenings.

Sabana Park is much less sketchier in the day time.

If all else fails, taxi drivers can ALWAYS take you to whatever it is you want to get INTO- CAREFUL, some are sketchier than others.

Stuff to consider when playing in the SEX world. Take taxi's at night. Leave valuables in your hotel room. Know your surroundings. Don't get TOO up. Consider getting your Hepatitis B shot before coming to Costa Rica (talk to your doctor about Hepatitis). Obviously condoms.... and know that many guys here will have unprotected SEX and others will say, 'NO' to condoms for an EXTRA charge. While cruising the bars, be careful, the guy you're CHECKING out and HOOKING up with could be a hustler and expect payment for services after the fact when you thought it was a mutual attraction hook-up. Most gay and gay friendly hotels will let you bring a 'guest' back to your room but they usually have to register with the front desk and have ID and sometimes there's a charge.

Here's our video of Prostitution and SEX in Costa Rica. This is general INFO on prostitution here in Costa Rica, not gay specific.

TONS of Costa Rica Travel Info and VIDEOS on our website: Travel Costa Rica NOW and if you want to visit our YouTube Channel: iCostaRica24 ENjoY!

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